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Sakıp Sabancı Museum

Sakıp Sabancı Museum is a private Fine Arts Museum in Istanbul,dedicated to calligraphic art, religious and state documents, as well as paintings of the Ottoman era. The museum was founded by Sakıp Sabancı, and was opened in June 2002. Aside from permanent exhibitions, the museum also hosts national and foreign temporary exhibitions and cultural events on the weekends. The Atlı Köşk (Horse Mansion) is a historical building which belonged to several high ranked pasha families and khedives, Egyptian governors, from 1848 to 1884. Then it was purchased by the Ottoman Treasury on the orders of Sultan Abdülhamid II and presented as a gift to King Nicola I of Montenegro. The next 30 years it was a royal residence and Embassy of Montenegro.

If you like, you may have lunch at the Müzedecanga Restaurant, which is situated within the lush gardens of the Sakıp Sabancı Museum overlooking the Bosphorus.

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